Lunch Buddies

Lunch is an important part of the school day, and Lunch Buddy volunteers help make the cafeterias run as smoothly as possible. Many convenient lunch items were not designed with elementary school children in mind and can be difficult to open. Lunch Buddies come to the rescue with scissors in-hand to help with all difficult-to-open items. We hand out napkins, escort Kindergarteners to the bathroom, make sure that lost teeth get home for the tooth fairy, and we get to hang out with kids for part of their school day.

Lunch Buddies also play a critical role in supporting the new lunchroom recycling program, which will resume a few weeks into the start of school. During clean-up time, volunteers help teach students how to sort out their trash from recycle. This is a great way to be involved in teaching kids how to protect and respect the environment.

Please sign up for the days and shifts that you can help. It would be ideal to have two helpers for Kindergarten and First Grade since they are the ones that need the most help.

students eating lunch at school